So X-COM: Enemy Unknown is out and we've all been playing it. We all know that *spoilers* it's good. So let's skip that part.
I played the first one back in 1994, and frankly it terrified me. It's perhaps not the exact word for it but it's suitable enough. It was dark, both in tone and colour, with shadows and areas hidden from sight where anything could be hiding - this felt like such a departure from most of the stuff people where doing at the time that it stuck in my mind. I can't recall anything gripping my attention at much until Carmageddon in 1997. I'm sure there were but they don't come to mind.
Remakes and reboots and spiritaul sequels are not new, of course, but it seems as though they are more prevalent each wave and sometimes more dividing.
I'm down with the new Tomb Raider, I've given $100 to the new Carmageddon, X-COM worked out well and is undoubtedly going to lead to more, I still even have/had hopes for the X-COM 3rd-person shooter (whether it ever comes back to life and gets done or not). Let's do this stuff, people. Let it ride. There can be bad results, as there will be with everything people do, and if so then let's learn from those mistakes and make the next one better. If they work out, let's expand on those.
I'm envisioned (and mostly written) masses and masses about this, but cut it to the short version; not everybody will like remakes, preferring the original. Others with welcome new things with open arms. Both are fine and you don't have to yell at the other side if you don't agree with them.