Thursday, 26 December 2013

A Chistmas tune

My sister used to host a show on the hospital radio as a volunteer for what was basically for requests. I'd help out by sending over things like music for bedding tracks (the music playing underneath when talking) and rarer songs that she couldn't find in their library.

Coming up to the holidays what must be around 10 years ago, I included on the CD the track Fairytale of New York. There were some guidelines/restrictions on what could be played on the hospital radio such as no offensive content - which makes sense - and anybody that knows the song will know the part where Kirsty sings "you scumbag, you maggot, you cheap lousy faggot; happy Christmas your arse, I pray god it's our last."

I edited out the middle part, obviously, keeping the part about praying it's their last as it wasn't particularly hinting at death or anything so was safe enough.

I overlooked something though.

During this time of year you've probably heard the song a dozen times or more and may know the part where there's the line "lying there almost dead with that drip in that bed."  It had totally slipped my mind that it was in there, but surely the professional my sister was she'd check songs first. She didn't. It went out on the hospital radio. She heard the line then. So did her "boss" who of course had a few words for her afterwards.


Anytime I hear the song on TV now though, they only play the first half before any of this comes up, cutting away to something else instead. Years before this, they'd play the whole thing in its entirety. There's no connection and it's all coincidence of course. Just funny how things seem to all work like that.