Sunday 25 September 2011

The Balance

So are we going to see a Warcraft 4? More specially, can we have a Warcraft 4? More directly again, is it possible to produce a Warcraft 4 while World of Warcraft is current?

Where would it fit in? Would it show you events that are also played in the MMO in a new view, or would it take you onto a seperate storyline unseen running concurrently? Would it occur in place of an expansion and in the MMO have mentions of something like "well, after that huge series of events and battles that you didn't see here but the results of which are clearly visible..." or would the MMO community cry out in bloodlust about how they were being forced to buy another game and how it should be part of the MMO instead. You know, forgetting that expansions also cost money and that trying to expand story and universe via other means should be explored so as to not become stale. The books do well, after all.

Heck, why not - Take the books and construct a Warcraft 4 around that, or a seperate story entirely unconnected. Or as of yet unconnected. After all, with Burning Crusade they had said that there's the chance of other portals leading to other places and that these may be something looked into in the future. Which hasn't happened.

When the world is vast and as deep as the imagination, who is to say...

Yeah, not a huge thought today, but I had to get it out while coherent enough in my cold/'flu raddled state.

Bit like the new Minecraft video...