I tend to feel a little guilty when waiting to cross the road if there's a small kid nearby. I don't want to give them the impression that the lights are optional. That's something that they find out themselves, you have to earn that secret knowledge.
Like when I'd walk home at night, I don't want to follow anybody too closly, particularly women, even if they are walking stupidly slow. Retardedly slow. So then I'd speed up a little to overtake. But they get nervous and look over to see what it is. But you don't want to slow down because that makes you look like you are up to something. So you keep going, but keep a distance. But not too far, or it looks like you've been discovered and are trying to avoid looking like you were up to something.
Is that more O.C.D? Or just plain paranoia?
I prefer to think of it as courtesy.